Robot Army Z
Robots of the Future
Made in the U.S.A.
Robot Army Z builds metal robots, using 16-gauge steel sheet, pipe, tube, and other various metal parts while some are fully made of scrap metal. These are not made with cheap bendable tin cans. They are heavy gauge steel and welded using the SMAW welding process. that means they are stick welded and covered in drippy slag inclusive welds that I like to call my signature “WELDS OF ROT”. This is very fitting for the robot zombies that they are.
They are all handmade here in the great state of Pennsylvania, in the greatest country in the world, the U.S.A. They are all created using hand tools, portable power tools, de-slagged cleaned and painted by hand. Some colors are sprayed and wiped by hand. All are made to look antiqued as if they have been around and seen a thing or two. They are ROBOT ZOMBIES after all.
All handmade in the U.S.A.
All one of a kind. Some may be similar, but they are never the same, and when they are gone, THEY ARE GONE!
The robots of the future are here now, waiting on their next destination. Will it be with you?
Scrap Metal Robots
Scrap Metal Robots are made 100% from scrap metal sourced by breaking down mechanical and electrical products. Parts scraped from construction projects are also a great source. As the parts are disassembled, they are separated to be used for building and the rest is recycled at the local scrap yard. I stick weld all the steel parts and mount the rest by other means. The end goal here is to have a scrap metal robot look like a real robot made from items that are not easily distinguishable. This is not the place to find a robot that looks like a blender in your kitchen. The red one shown here on the left is made from three sets of electric door locks, door closers, an armature and lots of bits and socket drives, among other things. These take the most time to build and are usually done over the course of a year while I weld other robots. Eventually the right parts show up and the robot comes together!
Shorty Robots
Shorty Robots, are the smaller robots that I build. They stand about 8 to 9 inches tall although sometimes I make them much taller. They are more small space friendly. Made from the same material as the square, round, and curved bodies but their arms do not move. They come in many colors and styles. These are heavy for their size and very solid, not cheap bendable tin. The two on the left appear on Nickelodeon’s Side Hustle, on a shelf in the boy’s room. That was an early highlight for my shop.
Square bodies, Round Bodies, and Curved Back Robots
and more…
Square Body, Round Body, and Curved Back Robots, are made with 16-gauge steel sheet, round tube, square tube, and the heads are schedule 40 pipe. There are scrap parts included for the hands and antenna. This is the robot that I designed while learning how to weld and I continue to build as my main shop robot. They come in colors and clear and sometimes acid washed. They are a mid-sized robot standing about 14 to 16 inches high. These robots heads can move, and arms rotate, but not by themselves.
Rockets are also available here with their own little robot.
The Awakening. This is issue one of an ongoing comic series. It is drawn, colored and lettered by hand. Go to the comic section for details or SHOP to buy it now.
robot army Z - Issue 1
Snowmen, Minotaur’s, Art Displays, and much more.